Review, Reviews, Reviews....

Hello Bookworms

From here on in I'm starting on a quest.

Yes, the kind of quest that involves climbing, seeking, finding and exploring with a whole lot of adventure.

No, I'm not getting on the 43b bus to any place in particular.

I'm aware that while my Books and Authors Reviewed page is vastly varied I have a hard time trying to finish a series.

Mainly because I read a lot of Arcs and the final book in a series doesn't always have one because the series has become so immense the publishers don't feel the need to send them.

So, in the true spirit of being a Bookworm I'm going to finish what I started, and yes, finish some series reviews off.

I'm also aware this may need a few rereads of books I reviewed at the very beginning of my blogging life. But hey, fun, fun, fun!

Here I begin my quest!


-CB x

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